Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am back! I've been back since Monday, just that I was a tad too lazy to update. Its been almost a full month since I've posted an entry, gosh. In all, I did enjoy my trip in Europe though it got pretty tiring (and draining on the pockets) at times. Basically I covered quite a number of places and that's why I'm feeling so damn broke now. London, Nottingham, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Brussels, Zurich, Milan, Florence, Rome, Paris, Geneva, Manchester, Frankfurt and back to London. I've soooooo much to say about these places that I've been too, but I'm too lazy, and I don't know how/where to start, so I prob wont be writing alot about my trip. Pics are almost all up on Facebook.

Just some observations:

1. There are really ALOT of beggars and homeless people in Europe, even in large cities/capitals like Paris, Frankfurt, London. I remember vividly this lady who went up to this guy who was having his meal outside an eatery to ask him for a slice of pizza, while I was in Paris.

2. Europeans are big on pets, or rather, dogs/puppies. You see people walking along the streets with their canines, and that explains why there is dog poo all over the streets in most places in Europe. Walking along the streets is like playing mind-sweeper, cos u really gotta watch out for dog poo.

3. Train/metro stations usually smell strongly of pee. I think it might have sth to do with having to pay to use public toilets (how dumb right!). Alternatively, might be the doings of the homeless, since most seek shelter at train/metro stations at night.

4. ALOT of spit on the roads. yucks.

5. I spent 3 nights in airports in total. London-Gatwick, Paris-CDG, Frankfurt-Hahn. I nv saw myself doing that, but I did. It wasnt all too bad, just tt it was damn uncomfortable, and in Paris, there were other homeless people sleeping in the airport too. Like what Lenny said, they're harmless (probably), but it just scares me. This just contributed to my insomnia.

6. You have no idea how much I adore Changi Airport (at least we can get food all night round, I think?) after having been to so many airports in Europe be it budget or international.

7. I finally appreciate our 'no gums' and 'no spitting' and 'no littering' and whatnots rules.

8. Our MRT trains are damn clean!

9. Singapore is cheap food-wise (in fact, VERY VERY cheap), but the sales here are nth compared to Europe. 20% here and they think its a great deal. Just check out the sales in Europe, man! They have like 40-70% off in many places on many items including Jimmy Choos, Loewe, Prada, Chloe, Marc Jacobs, and even the non-high end brands like HnM (LOVES) and Uniqlo and all tt stuff. Then again, maybe it was just cos I managed to catch their Summer Sale.

10. I actually like moving from one place to another! I thought it'll be damn tiring to always be on the move, but I realised it can be quite boring to stay in a particular place for too long, so I was usually looking forward to the next destination.

So many more thoughts, but I can't recolllect them now. oh wells. I missed Singapore when I was there, but now I kinda feel like going back to buy more stuff cos the prices of bags in Singapore are really marked up by a few hundred dollars almost a thousand! so crazy right! hahah. IF only I'm rich enough, I'd make it an annual thing. I really shld stop day-dreaming.

Oh yeah, Italians and Danes are HOT. They're damn chic.
Lenny told me to limit the amt of clothes to bring cos we'd be doing it back-packing style. Hence I felt under-dressed for almost the entire trip. =(

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