Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm amazed that I'm still able to log in to blogger. I was expecting myself to get the password wrong since it'd been ages since I last logged in, but anyhows, I still managed to.

It has been a horrible (horrible is really an understatement) and majorly depressing exam week, my papers all did not go well, save for 1, but that really was easy peasy for EVERYONE as well, so yup, if u'd been in NUS before u'll know that its not a very great thing either. Presentation for one of the cores was a major screw up it pulled down my otherwise-not-bad CA grade to an all time low. I wouldnt have been very worried for that module if not for the presentation. I'm such a loser, my grade is terrible now, I can't be more ashamed about it. And its not without any reason that I say that year 4 is horridepressing, cos I totally screwed up the CA for another core. :'( and the finals for this particular module didnt go any better, maybe in fact worse. I got stuff mixed up, shaded answers I wasnt even sure of (negative marking is costly), I dont know how else to describe except to say I screwed it up, but u get it. it was bad pronto.

I didnt remember feeling this way in yr 3, and thats why I miss yr 3 so much. Modules CAs Exams were smooth-sailing, nothing like now. Though I'm already in year 4 and people think that year 4s ought to just chill cos quoting them, "ur CAP is not gonna change much anyway", I seriously doubt their words.
I'm mad pissed with myself for being such a loser and being so stupid with such bad grades this sem, I'm mad worried that my CAP will drop. If it really has to drop, I just hope my class of Hons wont be affected. Cause when tt happens, I doubt I'll be able to land a job in Stat boards. :'(

I'm mad worried. I'm mad worried. I'm mad pissed for getting lousy grades.
But oh wells, exams are over so I shall STRIVE not to be bugged by all these and worry only when results are released.
Meanwhile, I'm hoping lab will go well (hate to feel stressed by lab).

ok, I'm done with ranting.

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