Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sigh. My BFF left for Calgary today.
I wont get to see her till half a year later, but I guess it'll be pretty fun for her with Auntie Florence there! Like what she said, how nice it'd be if we could go together, and live/leech/be taken care of by Auntie Florence (who is my sis's bf's auntie. FYI, my sis's bf's extended family lives in Canada, and its cool cos Auntie Florence works in U of C too!). It'd be so much fun. Oh wells.

I tried hard to control my tears at the departure hall when Vic's eyes welled up. I'm such a loser. Maybe tts why I'm not suited for SEP. I don't know why , but I'm v sure I'll just cry my eyes out if I were the one leaving, with my family and friends waving back at me through that glass door. I know there's a whole new world to be explored out there, and it'd be really fun to do so, but I just find it very difficult to be alone, without my family. I wonder if its a good or bad thing. Oh wells.

And as I type this, I feel even more emo, cos Lenny is leaving for his exchange really soon. I'm gonna totally embarass myself at the airport when I see him off cos I'm pretty sure I'll be the only loser there crying like there's no tomorrow.

Shaomin, the Dev Bio guru will be heading to Heidelberg too. SIGH. no more LSM helpline. haha.

On a happier note, Lenny popped by to wii again. This time, while playing tennis, he swung his arms too high up and crashed/broke/shattered a few crystals from the ceiling lamp. So we spent qt a while cleaning up and picking up the glass shards all over. And wii-ed again after that.

I'm feeling vain, so here:

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