Sunday, January 25, 2009

So I guess this is it.
Funny how sometimes time passes so slowly, and sometimes, so quickly.

It was a teary day of packing, hide-and-seek (as we had played before), National Treasure which we stopped midway, cos time had to be put to better use- doing just about nothing, yet everything. Paradoxical, but thats just how it was.
And as the skies got darker, we made our way to dinner and finally to the airport.

A cake and cupcakes (cupcakes from cellmates) followed, as we sang to the tune of Happy Birthday. Albeit an hour or so earlier then it should have been.

I hope the flight's been treating him good so far!

And now, its time to rest my tired and puffy eyes. And that on-off headache due to...too much crying? Or maybe just the stress.

Its the Eve of CNY now, so to all out there, Gong Xi Fa Cai.

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