Saturday, February 28, 2009

Have I already mentioned before that I love rain

I love the rain when I'm indoors.
I love it more when I'm indoors with the air-con switched on at full blast.
I Iove it the most when I'm all wrapped up in my white woollen hoodie feeling snug and in all niceness, allowing myself to be serenaded by Keith Martin.

I peeped out through the grilles and the neighbourhood has never felt more peaceful and serene. Totally loving this tranquility. Empty (and wet) roads, except for the lone trishaw puller I think or maybe ice-cream man.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sleeping late is bed. Makes my pimples pop out like nobody's business. I'm off to bed now!
its 10 minutes to 2am.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

I hate to feel small like a peanut. Yet I always feel small like a peanut. Hates it.

My best friend's sending me a postcard! At first I thought she was gonna send me clothes or a coach bag or sth hahaha kidding. A post card is better than nth. loves her! and I miss her! I can't wait to play with the puppy that ALvin got her. Gosh she looks totally adorable.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When he doesnt call you, text you, email you, or even myspace you (and much more!), face it, he's just not that into you.

How stupid is that a girl has to wait for a guy’s call anyway, right?

Ok enough of all that. On a side note, today was the first time I finished a box of nachos all on my own in the movie cos I'll usually share. Ok so I stuffed myself silly and felt quite full after that, but I did it anyway. Didn't help that the cheese wasn't all that fantastic, the nachos not all that yummy. Maybe thats why they say food always tastes better when shared. And its the first time, I think, that I didnt quite enjoy my nachos.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The song that doesnt fail me. Seriously, I've nv doubted Jay Chou. ;)

So random, but the ramen yesterday tasted strangely like laksa, just without the spice! Nonetheless, it was rather yummy, and for just $6.95 with free flow of green tea, whats there not to love. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gosh, the rain brings out the bum in me and I'm not feeling particularly enthusiastic about going out now.
I just wanna stay home, read a non-intellectual thrashy magazine, and have all the time to myself.

Then again, I've had quite a bit of me-time these days. Feels good sometimes to think about alot of stuff, feels lousy and lonely sometimes, but I'm not complaining. Quailty time for one's ownself is good. I guess slowly I'm getting used to not having my phone beep at all sometimes, not receiving goodmorning/night msgs and emails (excluding spam) daily and all that blah.

No wonder they say time heals.

Friday, February 20, 2009

totally yesteryear, but lovely nonetheless.


recess week beckons!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

it has been a draining day, all sorts of emotions merging into one like how the 7 colours combine to form the rainbow, just not as pretty, unexplained in words, yet strangely relieving because its no longer so stifling.

and it is now that I am yearning for a slightly-melted rich dark chocolate bar, so that I may lick my fingers clean, savour that bittersweet. and anticipate the infiltration of cocoa into my every pore. My ecstasy, awfully satisfying.
and if you just wait, I might well be like the girl from Ipanema, someday.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

So how was your Vday?

Technically,-speaking, my Vday was but a one hour affair (when I skyped with Lenny).
The day didnt start off too good, I left for tuition feeling really upset but I'm glad things worked out eventually.

During lunch with my Mum and Auntie Loke, Auntie Loke passed me this bouquet (bought by her upon Lenny's instructions). So I think I felt much better after that.

I'm not sure if its just me or what, but I really saw MANY more couples outside yesterday. Seriously, like a gazillion times the usual number of couples out on an ordinary Saturday.

Dropped by The Plaza@NLB later in the afternoon to catch Notes on Love, a concert put up by Xpose (an alumni grp from the NUS Guitar Ensemble), dinner (at the most ulu place ever cos everywhere was fully-reserved, then to Le Baroque.

Felt more like Friendship Day, but nonethelss it was a fine night out!

Anyways, some pics from today.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The solitary stroll I took last night was bittersweet.

Alongside the buzzing traffic and under the night lights,
bathed in the scent which smelt so happy -- the union of fresh raw grass and the fragrance of after-rain.
I took a deep whiff and felt the works of endorphins.

And I realised something was lacking.
Suddenly I found myself wrapped up in a blanket of solitude. I looked around, the walk never felt so different. It didnt feel like this one month ago.

Tears threatened, but I took out my phone, sent a text msg and perhaps felt slightly better.

And forced out a smile, albeit an invisible one.

Monday, February 09, 2009

I should have just headed to the school library to study!

The laptop at home is such a distraction, I just keep surfing around for the most random stuff, or rather, stuff that can wait till tests/exams are over!

This just wont do: reading my notes for 15 mins, then turning to my laptop for the next hr, and back to my notes for the next quarter of an hr, then to my laptop again for the next hour, and the cycle goes on for the rest of the afternoon. And at night, there's Ch8 dramas to watch.

Since the TV can't be kept away from me, sometimes I really think my laptop NEEDS to be locked up hahahah.

Ok, I'm back to my books.

Edit 11.15am:
I'm so mad and pissed and angry with myself! I practically just let $50 fly past me. SIGH.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Better blog while I'm free before all the assignments, CAs, reports yada yada start to pour in.

Lenny's enjoying life and livin' it up in the UK, while folks like us here in NUS have to slog our guts out!

This is a totally random post, so I guess thats all! =)