Sunday, February 15, 2009

So how was your Vday?

Technically,-speaking, my Vday was but a one hour affair (when I skyped with Lenny).
The day didnt start off too good, I left for tuition feeling really upset but I'm glad things worked out eventually.

During lunch with my Mum and Auntie Loke, Auntie Loke passed me this bouquet (bought by her upon Lenny's instructions). So I think I felt much better after that.

I'm not sure if its just me or what, but I really saw MANY more couples outside yesterday. Seriously, like a gazillion times the usual number of couples out on an ordinary Saturday.

Dropped by The Plaza@NLB later in the afternoon to catch Notes on Love, a concert put up by Xpose (an alumni grp from the NUS Guitar Ensemble), dinner (at the most ulu place ever cos everywhere was fully-reserved, then to Le Baroque.

Felt more like Friendship Day, but nonethelss it was a fine night out!

Anyways, some pics from today.

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