Monday, February 09, 2009

I should have just headed to the school library to study!

The laptop at home is such a distraction, I just keep surfing around for the most random stuff, or rather, stuff that can wait till tests/exams are over!

This just wont do: reading my notes for 15 mins, then turning to my laptop for the next hr, and back to my notes for the next quarter of an hr, then to my laptop again for the next hour, and the cycle goes on for the rest of the afternoon. And at night, there's Ch8 dramas to watch.

Since the TV can't be kept away from me, sometimes I really think my laptop NEEDS to be locked up hahahah.

Ok, I'm back to my books.

Edit 11.15am:
I'm so mad and pissed and angry with myself! I practically just let $50 fly past me. SIGH.

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