Monday, June 08, 2009

hello! greetings from Nottingham! Its freezing here at 10 degrees celsius, well, at least for summer. It feels more like winter to me, esp since I'm barely equipped w cold wear!
Touched down at London yest clad in cardigan and shorts (hey its supposed to be summer!), and was met with cold bitter wind, heavy rain, and was forced to get a thicker jacket (not qt winter wear but still its better than my thin as rice paper cardigans haha) from H&M. H&N seriously rocks la I went trigger happy when I saw 2 huge mega H&M stores within extremely close proximity of each other in London, which by the way, is awesomely beautiful.
Arrived at Nottingham after a long journey, and by then my toes and fingers felt almost frozen ( cant be bent!), my face almost stiff as cardboard whenever the wind blew past.

It rained a little this morning but I was kinda soaked through cos we went out early in the morn to visit some of Lenny's SEP mates in their rooms cos halfway the rain suddenly got heavier and the winds got stronger it was HORRIBLE. For an instant, I actually missed Singapore's weather!
And so cos of the rain we had to stay indoors after tt, and I used the opportunity to catch up on more sleep before heading out again in the late afternoon to explore the campus. The place is really qt pretty and peaceful, the weather slightly better with the sun finally out (though the occasional wind was kinda crazy as usual).

My fingers still feel kinda stiff despite typing so much in an attempt to warm them up =(

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