Thursday, May 29, 2008

TGIF soon.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

this week is a very terrible week. work and everything else is like crap. and I feel so terrible and upset.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The great singapore sale has officially started and m(phosis bags are going at 50%. #%!@~$#%! I shouldnt have bought my bag so early. Sigh. The thought of me possibly saving $17.50 more is like a slap across my face. Ok, not tt exaggarated. But, u noe what I mean.

Bugis with my Sis this afternoon then dinner with my parents. A very typical Sunday, but that I'm thankful for. :)

Last but not least, half an hr early, but Happy 5th Month! Its funny how we're spending less time tgt during the hols as compared to school term, cos we're both tied down by work on weekdays, and on Saturdays, he has tuition and cell group, and Sunday is family day. So now, our Saturdays are no longer like before, spending less time with him than what I would have loved to.
So friends, you KNOW who you are, u can ask me out on Saturdays! =)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I hate the Monday blues that overwhelm me. Makes me so emo.

haha. I'm counting down, its like 7 friggin weeks more.

Finally met up with Vic babe + CKH on Wed for dinner after work, a very good avenue for me to rant and whine and complain my work. And I realised that CKH has a liking (fetish in fact!LOL) for ladies in office wear and specs.

Havent gotten the pics from Vic's and CKH's side yet, but here are some of what I have.

PS: Caught Indianna Jones yest with Lenny, and I find Harrison Ford very charming for his age. haha.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

as if my days at work aren't bad enough

Monday, May 19, 2008

Today was a lovely day out at Sentosa with Lenny, despite me not getting very tanned! Its kinda strange cos the sun was really scorching, blazing and HOT (very bad for the skin), yet I didnt really get much tanner. sigh!

And in the car I made the green mario mushroom wear the shades. Cheap thrill, according to Lenny. lol.
And yes, for the nth time, I dread work. Weekends and holidays just seem to fly past man!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I was totally bored at Grandma's place this afternoon and so I forced my Mum to camwhore with me (despite us being in a state of unglam, due to the horrid humid weather). She was surprisingly spontaneous. haha. But she wouldn't allow me to put up those pics :(. haha

Belated Mother's Day dinner with the maternal side yesterday at Tiffany@Furama. Reviews were good, pictures looked absolutely tantalising, BUT, I was sorely disappointed cos besides the v fresh sashimi and chicken rice, all else didnt taste v fantastic, at least not for the kind of price we had to pay. And I didnt have alot of sashimi either, since I'm not a sashimi person, and so, I TOTALLY didnt eat my money's worth. hurhur typical Singaporean huh. I was so looking forward to the dessert bar, but yet again, that failed me.

Pictures from yesterday using Patrick's new very pro camera which costs a whooping $1400 I think. Some sort similar to the one Eileen has. And so he was tasked to be the photographer for the night heh.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Every morning the only thing I look forward to is lunch. Despite having to brave endless queues and wait an eternity for a seat. And everyday, Selina the other temp staff and I, will be the first to go for lunch at 12.30 sharp. After lunch, the only thing I look foward to is knocking off. And we're always the first to knock off at 6 sharp. haha.

The past few days saw us acting busy (and feeling sleepy)cos I wasn't really assigned stuff to do, but I forsee the days that follow to be qt hectic.

Sigh working sucks. Thinking of what to wear sucks too.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I feel so miserable, I really need to go on a vacation. I dont wanna be stuck in pathetic Singapore this summer. :(

And so today was my first day of work, and I was late. I left hse pretty early, so I was confident that I'd be on time, maybe even earlier. So I took all the time in the world to find the toilet in the train station. 10 minutes before I was supposed to reach, I located exit F (which was qt a distance away from the control station) since I remembered that I exited by exit F when I first came for the interview. But low and behold, when I got out of the exit, the entire place looked totally UNFAMILIAR. I was stunned beyond words and walked BACK to the control to look at the map. And yes, it IS exit F that leads to CapitalSq. So I walked, panicking by now, all the way back to exit F, but I really couldnt locate the building-the building that I was supposed to see when I went for the interview last wk. I felt so screwed and half-walked and half-ran back to the control, and realised that I was at the freaking wrong station. I was at Raffles Place when I was supposed to get off only at Tanjong Pagar. DANG. By the time I reached office, I was sweating like a pig, but thank goodness they hadnt started.

And yes, I didnt remember wrongly, it is exit F, and I was supposed to located Capital Tower, not CapitalSq. This sucks man.

The thought of working makes me so upset, I'm suffering from weekday blues. =(

Sunday, May 11, 2008

SHIT. Work starts tmr. The thought of lonely lunches is so upsetting! Anyone working in the Tangjong Pagar area, please DO ask me out for lunch, else I'll have to settle for finger food everyday with a bk/mag for companionship. Reminds me of the time when I had to lunch alone during my 3-day office job, I felt so so so so so miserable. And forlon. And small. And pathetic.

Finally cleared my locker this afternoon with help from my Mum, so yay, one less thing bugging me now. Dinner was at TungLok with Lenny and family, erm Mothers' Day dinner I think?

I wanted to catch a movie after dinner BUT LENNY DIDNT WANT TO.

So here I am.

Ok so I'm off to bed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hari ini, saya dengan teman-teman dan Ibu dari kelas Bahasa Indonesia pergi ke Restoran Riverside Indonesia di Boat Quay makan makanan khas Indonesia pada jam satu siang. Makanan di sana enak sekali tetapi tidak murah. ha ha ha. saya sudah tidak punya uang! Sesudah makan, kami jalan-jalan di Central karena Luke mau membeli oleh oleh ulang tahun (er??) untuk teman dia. Tadi, kami ke Settler's Cafe jalan kaki. Pada 5.30pm, mereka harus berangkat karena mereka ada janji, acara etc. Hanya saya pulang karena saya tidak ada acara.
Mungkin saya akan tidur sekarang. heh.

I can't believe I slept at around 3 freaking a.m last night. I dont even sleep so late during the exam period. heh.
Stayed over at Lenny's last night, supper with his friends at chompchomp, followed by pool at amkhub (which I suck alot at). By the time I got to bed, it was almost 3.30. No wonder my skin isnt getting any better. Then again, I ought to PLAY WHILE I CAN.

Photos from lunch today with the bunch of BI peeps. After lunch, we headed to Settler's for some no-brainer games. I'm programme-less now, I slacked/am going to slack my entire evening/night away.

More pics from the others, these are just what I've got.

Oh and I attempted to watch The Hottie and The Nottie yest, but it was painfully boring I couldnt bring myself to watch beyond the first 1/2 hr.

Sometimes I feel so depressed thinking abt it.

Friday, May 09, 2008

I DREAD WORK. I have this morbid fear that I'll screw things up =(
Okay, I havent started my job yet, but I'm already looking forward to any public holidays within the next 2 months.

Oh great.

Adios, off to Coronation now.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The past fews days were spent job-hunting. Its sucha chore, really. Caught Iron Man with Lenny just on Tues, and I thought it was alright but Lenny didnt really like it. Oh and he had his hair cut, so its like damn short now he looks like some NS boy haha. So basically I was just bumming around the past few days, and I really need to bum around more cos work starts next week and I totally dread it cos I'll officially have no life. A vacation trip would be something I can look forward to after my job stint, but its so hard to decide on a place to go to. big fat sigh!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

sometimes when you're pissed with everything, all you really want/NEED is to have pple who think like u and bitch abt those issues too, and give u some good nice consolation. the last thing u would ever need is to have someone (whom you expect to say nice things) saying things that just make you feel worse and more upset (regardless of whether its just a unharmless flat joke or not).

I guess only best girlfriends can do just that.

Monday, May 05, 2008

so in vain, everything.

Liberation? What liberation?

The last day of the exams doesnt feel like the last day of exams, so unlike the last few semesters. Because of everything weighing on my mind.

I just need to do whatever gives me THAT piece of mind, even if takes alot of unwilingness.


PS: I really hate the weather these days, totally makes me wanna just abandon this country with horrid weather. Bad weather makes me grouchy and sweaty. And my skin feels bad.