Sunday, May 25, 2008

The great singapore sale has officially started and m(phosis bags are going at 50%. #%!@~$#%! I shouldnt have bought my bag so early. Sigh. The thought of me possibly saving $17.50 more is like a slap across my face. Ok, not tt exaggarated. But, u noe what I mean.

Bugis with my Sis this afternoon then dinner with my parents. A very typical Sunday, but that I'm thankful for. :)

Last but not least, half an hr early, but Happy 5th Month! Its funny how we're spending less time tgt during the hols as compared to school term, cos we're both tied down by work on weekdays, and on Saturdays, he has tuition and cell group, and Sunday is family day. So now, our Saturdays are no longer like before, spending less time with him than what I would have loved to.
So friends, you KNOW who you are, u can ask me out on Saturdays! =)

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