Sunday, May 18, 2008

I was totally bored at Grandma's place this afternoon and so I forced my Mum to camwhore with me (despite us being in a state of unglam, due to the horrid humid weather). She was surprisingly spontaneous. haha. But she wouldn't allow me to put up those pics :(. haha

Belated Mother's Day dinner with the maternal side yesterday at Tiffany@Furama. Reviews were good, pictures looked absolutely tantalising, BUT, I was sorely disappointed cos besides the v fresh sashimi and chicken rice, all else didnt taste v fantastic, at least not for the kind of price we had to pay. And I didnt have alot of sashimi either, since I'm not a sashimi person, and so, I TOTALLY didnt eat my money's worth. hurhur typical Singaporean huh. I was so looking forward to the dessert bar, but yet again, that failed me.

Pictures from yesterday using Patrick's new very pro camera which costs a whooping $1400 I think. Some sort similar to the one Eileen has. And so he was tasked to be the photographer for the night heh.

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