Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hari ini, saya dengan teman-teman dan Ibu dari kelas Bahasa Indonesia pergi ke Restoran Riverside Indonesia di Boat Quay makan makanan khas Indonesia pada jam satu siang. Makanan di sana enak sekali tetapi tidak murah. ha ha ha. saya sudah tidak punya uang! Sesudah makan, kami jalan-jalan di Central karena Luke mau membeli oleh oleh ulang tahun (er??) untuk teman dia. Tadi, kami ke Settler's Cafe jalan kaki. Pada 5.30pm, mereka harus berangkat karena mereka ada janji, acara etc. Hanya saya pulang karena saya tidak ada acara.
Mungkin saya akan tidur sekarang. heh.

I can't believe I slept at around 3 freaking a.m last night. I dont even sleep so late during the exam period. heh.
Stayed over at Lenny's last night, supper with his friends at chompchomp, followed by pool at amkhub (which I suck alot at). By the time I got to bed, it was almost 3.30. No wonder my skin isnt getting any better. Then again, I ought to PLAY WHILE I CAN.

Photos from lunch today with the bunch of BI peeps. After lunch, we headed to Settler's for some no-brainer games. I'm programme-less now, I slacked/am going to slack my entire evening/night away.

More pics from the others, these are just what I've got.

Oh and I attempted to watch The Hottie and The Nottie yest, but it was painfully boring I couldnt bring myself to watch beyond the first 1/2 hr.

Sometimes I feel so depressed thinking abt it.

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