Monday, May 12, 2008

I feel so miserable, I really need to go on a vacation. I dont wanna be stuck in pathetic Singapore this summer. :(

And so today was my first day of work, and I was late. I left hse pretty early, so I was confident that I'd be on time, maybe even earlier. So I took all the time in the world to find the toilet in the train station. 10 minutes before I was supposed to reach, I located exit F (which was qt a distance away from the control station) since I remembered that I exited by exit F when I first came for the interview. But low and behold, when I got out of the exit, the entire place looked totally UNFAMILIAR. I was stunned beyond words and walked BACK to the control to look at the map. And yes, it IS exit F that leads to CapitalSq. So I walked, panicking by now, all the way back to exit F, but I really couldnt locate the building-the building that I was supposed to see when I went for the interview last wk. I felt so screwed and half-walked and half-ran back to the control, and realised that I was at the freaking wrong station. I was at Raffles Place when I was supposed to get off only at Tanjong Pagar. DANG. By the time I reached office, I was sweating like a pig, but thank goodness they hadnt started.

And yes, I didnt remember wrongly, it is exit F, and I was supposed to located Capital Tower, not CapitalSq. This sucks man.

The thought of working makes me so upset, I'm suffering from weekday blues. =(

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