Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back in sunny Singapore, and already kinda missing the weather in WA. =(
The 10 days there have been great, cos we drove down south so I got to visit a few towns and the suburbs, so all in all it was a pretty fruitful trip. We drove down from Perth to Bunbury, Pemberton, Albany, back up to Fremantle and then Perth again. I'lll just put up a few pics, cos there're just too many. Much thanks to Lenny for planning majority of the trip! lol. Cheap shopping in Perth is possible, if you have the patience to rummage through the sale racks. I got a dress, a hoodie, a pair of shorts for only 10AUD each, 4 tops at 5AUD each. And Lenny got me a pair of cutsey pj Paul Frank shorts! =))

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