Monday, July 07, 2008

Finally gotten down to packing and clearing my stuff thats all over the place, after months of procrastinating. I cleared out a big bag of junk, ok not exactly junk (except for some), but stuff that I've kept all these while, just cos they're either too cute to be thrown away, or because I've been lazy to perform the simple act of throwing them away. Its an amazing amt of stuff I've cleared out from my drawer as well, I wonder how I've managed to stuff (read:compress) them all into that drawer. Hoho I have superbly amazing compressing skills. I would never have imagined that amount of stuff, in that pathetically tiny drawer.

I feel/felt like a total bummer today. I finished packing earlier than expected, so there I was on the couch with my laptop, watching ANTM (Tecko says I'm passe, and I totally agree, but I had just finished cycle 8 the previous vacation. yes I noe, go ahead and laugh). Lunch and more ANTM and then I decided to nap, which inevitably evolved into a long sleep. Dinner, then TEEVEE TEEVEE AND MORE TEEVEE!

Oh I just read somewhere that NUS students are entitled to free admission to museums managed under the National Heritage Board, which includes the Singapore Museum, Asian Civilisations Museum and also the new Peranakan Museum. This came at a right time, cos my parents just visited the Singapore Museum last week and they said that it was good. Like my parents, I enjoy looking at old exhibitions, but I'm not too sure if I would pay $10 for tt, but now that its free, I so totally wanna go!!!!

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