Sunday, July 06, 2008

I didnt realise it'd been 12 days since my last entry. That's because working life has been pretty monotonous, but I really do enjoy working there (esp since Claire's there as well, and its so near so shiok), though the job can get a TAD boring and routine at times.
But its not dreadful at all!

And today I had the worst ever bubble tea. It tasted far from the mocha I ordered, and there were pathetically few pearls. The whole thing tasted like one whole artifical, sweetened mass.
I'm not a bubble tea person, at least not a made-in-Singapore bubble tea person, the last time I had bubble tea here in Singapore was I don't know, a few yrs back? Nothing here compares to bubble tea sold in any random shops in Taiwan =(

And so it was my first time trying the bubble tea from that particular bubble tea chain (ther are almost EVERYWHERE, and I always see people on the streets drinking their bubble tea), but I was sorely disappointed. Big fat sigh. Then perhaps I just ordered the wrong stuff.

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