Sunday, August 26, 2007

Miss Clarity Cafe for dinner yesterday and we waited 137506937253 years for our food. Poor XQ's food came so late she had to gobble down her baked fish rice in record time, in order not to be late for the paegant preview. Sci bash was okay, wasnt v good, but wasnt THAT lousy either. But really, DXO isnt/has never been nice.

Oh and I dropped my stockings and my top into the toilet bowl last night. AGAIN. I shld really cultivate the habit of covering the toilet bowl. Sheesh.

Chicken ballotine


Matching bangles!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

When I've got nth better to do, I cut my hair. My Dad thinks I look like a China girl.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

4 days into the new semester, and I'm alrady missing my days of freedom. Days of eat-sleep-youtube-shopping. Blah.

Now you know, Sweets. haha. And u still havent lunched/dined with me!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ended up meeting Vic and Chian instead for dinner. Haha. Dinner at Waraku followed by mudpie for desert at Coffee club (which I finally tasted after many refusals, simply cos I didnt think it'd taste good). But cos my throat hurts and itches so bad, I didnt have much of it. Must be the deep fried chicken wing which I insisted on having despite my mum's advice not to. Ah, the opportunity cost of having a chicken wing.


Vic's very cool pink specs

I realised, Chian has v long hands
An entire day at the padang yesterday for NUS Rag day saw us all getting burnt by the scorching sun. Now I've this ugly strip of pink across my face. The sore throat that I was already nursing the night before got worse, I had trouble sleeping last night.
My Mum thinks I should just stay home and rest the whole of today, but I've already promised to meet the girls for dinner tonight. I certainly do hope my throat gets better, since I've not met Ally since I cam back from HK. ha hah!

Anyway, pics from Rag yesterday.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Simpsons on Tues night, and boy was it hilarious! We totally laughed our heads off, cos the characters (the entire movie actually) were so so so stupid and dumb. Not much of a plot, the show only serves to make the audience laugh. Still, I enjoyed it pretty much. I appreciate light-hearted shows!

Despite the endless human traffic, we managed pose with the Simpsons for a picture. =))

Then yesterday it was Secret. I was rather skeptical abt it initially, I expected it to be a only-Jay's-fans-would-appreciate kinda movie. But the 8Days review was good so I decided to go see for myself. It turned out to be rather not bad, with a totally unexpected twist. Have I mentioned I like twists? HEH. Anyways, it helps that lead actress looks saccharine-sweet, and Jay, erm actually, he's quite cute, I realised. Oh and good music/songs pleasant to the ears too.

Met up with Vic and Shoe in the night, headed to Timbre for pizza and drinks. Sinful but worth it.

And on my way to tuition this morning in my Dad's car, we passed by this army of senior citizens and toddlers decked out in red and white. SO CUTE LAH!
haha. Happy Birthday Singapore! =))
After tuition it was off to Far East then PS where I had to collect my Grandma's birthday cake. IT WAS SO HEAVY!!!!!!! I lugged the entire cake home with my tauhuay dessert HAHAH, and it didnt help that the huge box with sharp edges kept getting in my way. I had to carry it above my knees (if u even noe what I mean), which was pretty much of a challenge.
Ugly Singaporeans did not offer me any seats in the train. And a horrid guy even bumped into my and the elephant-sized cake.
I'm rather certain I've developed more muscles lugging the cake.
Buffet tonight and I can already hear food calling out to me hahah. Hopefully I'll get some pics taken at my grandma's buffet (party?) tonight. HOPEFULLY.

I'm gonna whywhylove now. BYEEE!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Finally the sun's out after the past one week of rain, the weather all nice and sunny. A tad too hot and scorching for us though, walking barefoot on the sand was akin to walking on fire. Okay, tts a little exaggarated. It was like walking on hot pan. TOTALLY. Kelly looked like she was playing hopscotch while hoping ard, cos the sand was seriously like hot chracoal. Even our slippers (rubber slippers) turned into very good heat conductors. haha. Left Siloso by 3 plus and then Hong Kong food at Kim Gary, Vivo. Affordable and qt alright food!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Caught Alone, the Thai horror flick, with my sis this afternoon, and we were rather amused by the twist. The storyline's pretty good, if I may say. It wasn't exactly THAT scary actually, though the ghost looked really horrifying and hideous. And the typical horror-flick effects (the lightings, and freaky music, and the sudden BOO from behind) actually managed to scare us out of our wits. HAHAHA. We are like so useless please!? Then again, I get a kick out of scaring myself by watching horror shows. ha! ha! Am I perverse or what?!

Which brings me to this really funny article I came across while reading this month's issue of Readers Digest. The article, titled 'Are you normal or nuts' really got me tickled. Its about strange quirks and behaviours, and whether they are normal or unusual/psychiatric treatment-necessary. Quite funny, esp this particular person who wrote in about his wierd habit.

' I hate choosing things. When I grab a spoon out of a drawer, I have a hard time picking one, even though they're all the same. Then, when I finally choose a spoon, I feel bad for all the others. I even sort of apologise to them: "Sorry, guys. Next time!" Is this wierd? '

I just burst out laughing to myself while reading this. Haha and this reminds me of this really strange quirk of mine when I was younger, in Pri 6, I think. I used to wash my hands so often and after touching almost every single thing. haha. No wonder I was like stick thin, like seriously, in Pri 6. All these unnecessary stress. haha. Come to think of it, its quite funny. But really it was exhausting, having to wash my hands so very often. My mum was so worried, she thought I had to see a shrink. But phew thank goodness, that became a thing of the past.

Maybe it was the PSLE stress. haha. kidding.

This is so random, but I dropped my butterfly clip into the toilet bowl again this morning, adding on to the list of stuff I've dropped into it. (rubber bands, bobby pins, toothbrush). Managed to get it out with a pair of chopsticks. I'm rather skillful with it. haha.