Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Friday night of mudpies, a potato salad, randoming roaming, foosball and much much much laughter. Never knew foosball could get us all so high. Wait till you watch the vid Nigel took.hah. 2104 mates came tgt, this time not to rush out our project till the wee hrs of the morning, but to eat,talk and have fun. How nice. The same group of people, but a very different mood altogether. A pity 2 of them (read: KELLY) couldnt make it.

Here's a photo, taken by the cute waiter. lol. Even Edwin agrees.

PS:I got replaced by the evil PSP, so I spent the night watching kungfu panda.

Overload of chiffon cakes (from Tanjong Pagar, I just had to get a box of them cos there's always a long queue so I reckoned it must be damn good, and also, no more trips to Tanjong Pagar anymore next wk, so I HAD to try as many flavours as possible before my last day of work), mudpie, and BnJs with my Mum today. I feel fat, and very heaty :(

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