Saturday, June 21, 2008

I dont noe if its just me or what. sometimes I just feel so aimless. not knowing where to go, where I'm heading, what to do, sometimes even looking back, trying to justify the choices and decisions that I've made, whether they've been right or wrong.

Decisions and choices that I've made in all aspects of my life. From minor trivial decisions in everyday life to perhaps life-changing decisions. Its bad to regret such choices that have been made, but sometimes one can't help but keep harping on it. Its human nature to have doubts, I guess.

Then again, there must be a reason/reasons, to have even made those decisions in the first very place, no? So perhaps assurance is whats needed to make us feel good about our decisions/choices.

On a side-note, the WHOLE world has been telling me how nice Sex and the City is, but I havent gotten down to watching it yet. sad I noe. Only pathetic miserable timings left, and the quality I get from online streaming is lousy enough to drive me to tears.

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