Thursday, June 12, 2008

My lifestyle is unhealthy. No, OFFICE lifestyle is unhealthy.
Here goes my usual mundane routine working day.

Breakfast at home.
Squeeze into the train. I FORCE myself in, with my Mum.
Reach Tanjong Pagar, visit the MRT station loo sometimes.
Reach office, check emails, with ALITTLE bit of anticipation.
Visit the toilet, spend some time there thinking of what I should do when I get out.
Finally back to my seat, dig out my leads.
Choose good leads with potential, and start business calls (pui)
15-20 min of stoning after each call, start drinking water every 15 min.
Visit the loo every 45 min, pple look up and stare, I act oblivious and go ahead.
Refill my bottle from the dispenser every 1.5hrs.
Take out my apple to eat, look forward to lunch, which is abt a gd 1.5hrs away.
I walk up and down from the com to my table, and on the way, make funny faces at Selina. She reciprocates with a 'I agree, I am damn sian too' face.
Finally lunch time, first to go off, with Selina. Pple stare, we ignore. Its REALLY 12.30!
Back from a FULL lunch, plonk my big fat ass down again.
Act busy, start flipping my stuff, mine elsewhere.
Finally decide to start working.
Call call call, callbacks callbacks,callbacks.
Regular visits to toilet and water dispenser continue.
Look at my watch every half hour.
Finally, after an eternity, its 5pm.
Start sending out emails.
Start to clear my very messy table.
5.55, air-con goes off.
Visit the toilet.
6pm, I get up and walk out. With Selina.
Pple stare, but who cares, its REALLY 6pm.
Home, then dinner.
Following which I immediately plonk my big fat ass on the sofa AGAIN.
Laptop, tv. I just sit all the way. Too lazy to move.
9pm, shower.
Laptop again, tv again.
Supper of ice-cream/cake/pinch off Mum's Sis's late dinner

See what I mean?
No wonder Selina says OLs (Office Ladies) have big butts.

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