Friday, April 09, 2010

Gosh, I was looking through the archives and was brought back to entries dated couple years back (shall not say the exact year hehe).

And I was flabbergasted by the way I used to write. Haha reading them again seriously made me cringe NON-STOP, it was pretty infantile, to say the least. Breaking up my sentences with trains of dots (ie, how was ur day, etc. WAS THAT THE TREND LAST TIME??????). Not too sure if I should laugh or cry!

Cant believe I was so free to detail almost EVERY SINGLE ACTIVITY of my day. I actually believed pple were interested to know what I did. (maybe **** la, but still!)

Then again, it was X years ago. Feels quite nice reading them over again and laugh at myself though. Makes for good boring afternoon =)

Still cant stop cringing. hahaha.


daadeedum said...

haha i never knew you had your blog since 2003 so long ago.


joyce said...

haha yups, its been some time already!